Polarizing read not for the faint of heart.
Read MoreHappy Holiday Update!
Can’t believe it’s been so long since I’ve posted here, but if you don’t already know I’ve been hanging out a lot over on Tik Tok at @therealjennmanciniauthor and still have my Facebook Author Page going strong.
And I will admit that I’ve definitely slowed down when it comes to producing new work, but I promise that I’m doing my best to get back on track. I know that everyone can understand when life gets in the way of creative progress and boy have I had a few giant speed bumps over here. Without bringing you down too much, my son is a member of the Farmingdale High School Marching Band that was involved with that tragic bus accident that happened in September (September 21st 2023 to be exact - that Earth Wind and Fire Song will NEVER inspire the same good vibes ever again). And while we were very lucky and our son was physically unharmed, it’s been a difficult few months of grieving and processing for the entire community. My only real excuse is that I didn’t want to sit down and write something too dark or gloomy when that wasn’t my intention or inadvertently harm the integrity of the work I’d already done. With writing you have to go where your heart takes you and my heart was a little busted and bent. But, enough said about that. Let’s move right along…
I was mid-work on the sequel to Annihilation’s Song when I was temporarily sidelined and am excited to delve back into my alien romance universe. As a little holiday treat, Annihilation’s Song will be free over at Amazon from December 23 - December 27, 2023, so if you haven’t read it or want to gift it to a friend, hop on over there and snag your copy.
As always, thanks for being a fan and for your support. You are very much appreciated and loved. Happy Holidays to all and the happiest, healthiest 2024 to you and yours.
xo xo Jenn
Old Dog/New Stuff
Hello all my happy readers!
Even though I’m an old dog, I’m always trying new tricks when it comes to self promotion, and this month there are several new things happening for me out here in the cyber universe. First, I joined Tiktok in order to get better acquainted with the lovely, not-so-little booktok community and have several posts up as of this blog. Come check me out anytime @therealjennmanciniauthor If Tiktok isn’t your speed, I feel ya’. No harm, no foul. I’ll still be here, there, and everywhere hawking my wares on social.
In addition, since paperbacks and hardcovers are having a bit of a Renaissance right now, I have been diligently working on getting paperbacks of my full-length novels out there as well. These paperbacks are pretty large (6x9 size), not your traditional old school small pocket paperbacks, and have been re-edited for grammar and punctuation as well. As of now, both Finding Eden and Devil May Care paperbacks are available for sale at Amazon and I’ll be working on getting Annihilation’s Song out there as well. Just click on the links or head on over to the “buy” tab and you’ll be there!
In the meantime, I’ve been drawn to working on Book Two of the Seven Souls Series and always try to listen to my muse when I can. Always interesting to see where things lead…
As always, thanks for the support and drop a line whenever you want.
xo xo J
Time Flies So Here's Some Free Stuff!
Genuinely couldn’t believe it when I signed on and saw that I haven’t posted a blog in nearly a YEAR (!!??). I’ve always been pretty terrible at self promotion and was finding myself a bit discouraged by the non-creative hurdles of self publishing (i.e., the newsletter attempt), but an entire year really does take the cake. However, if I don’t have something important to say, I just don’t say it. I don’t want to waste your time with fluff and air for the sake of keeping you on the hook. That said, I realize more content draws more readers and this is definitely a part of the process at which I DO NOT excel. I just want to spin some sexy, fun stories and get lost in the fantasy of it all. Producing extra content for the sake of keeping you interested is as difficult to me as the whole editing thing. I don’t like it and I can’t imagine I ever will.
Add to that the fact that I’ve always had a problem writing during the holiday season (roughly Thanksgiving to New Year) because of all the other creative energy and time that goes into decorating, cooking, entertaining, gifting, and spending quality time with friends and family, and I’ve unwittingly created a big fat crater of dead air and silence. That said, I hope you all got to enjoy some much needed time with loved ones over the holiday season (in person!) and are looking forward to the glorious clean slate that comes with a shiny new year.
As far as future inspiration goes, I had the thrilling opportunity to travel to the UK in November and am super excited to weave my European adventures into Book Number 8 of the Incubus Rising Series, which is Portia’s story. I’ve also been knee deep in Book Number 2 of the Seven Souls Series for several months, which is another Sci-fi Alien Romance that picks up where Annihilation’s Song left off. My team and I haven’t had time for much promotion of Song and my numbers have dropped considerably because of it, but I try not to stress too much about that. It’s out there for readers to find when and if they want it and will be free for the next five days over at Amazon to help that along. Simply click the link between January 3rd and January 7th and viola! Free Stuff.
I did notice when I went back after a few months to check up on Annihilation that the epilogue, which I added at the last minute because I was hit with a surprise inspiration bomb, had several editing mistakes since I submitted it so late. I know that there are many, many people out there that will post that ever fun review of “needs punctuation and grammar” but I was so eager to get the content out there that the editing suffered. Annihilation itself is a huge book and took a long, long time to edit in the first place. (longer than I wanted to wait to be honest.) I’d like to believe that a good story makes up for some of the errors, but I know some people are a little fixated and I can’t change that. Therefore we addressed some of the most of obvious editing issues and republished the epilogue to help tighten things up a bit.
Otherwise, January means back to work for me and I will definitely be plugging along to create new stuff in 2023. I hope to see some of you along for the ride. Happy New Year! Nothing but good things to you and yours. As always, thanks for the support.
xo xo J
Free Stuff!
As we work on editing the monster that is my new Sci-fi Alien Romance I’m offering my full-length Contemporary Romance Novel Finding Eden for free from January 31st - February 4th 2022. Pick up your free copy or share with someone who loves love!
If you haven’t already signed up for my newsletter, pop on over to the sign up page. The newsletter gives you access to free stuff and bonus content, and only goes out once every few months.
Thanks for the support and happy, healthy 2022!
Fall Updates & Rando News
Hello all my lovely readers. Just a quick note to keep you in the know.
My newsletter is up and running and has been for several months now for subscribers. If you haven’t already subscribed, all you need to do is pop on over to the Sign Up tab here on jennifermancini.com and you’ll be on the list. If you’re worried about being inundated with spam, my plan is to send the newsletter out seasonally or if I have something big going on/coming out only. However, being signed up does get you access to some pretty sweet bonus content and things that aren’t readily out there for public consumption. So far there’s been links to a Bonus Epilogue for Gabriel’s Redemption and an unedited sneak peek at my next novel Annihilation’s Song so I’d encourage you to get on the list if you haven’t already done so.
As of now the newsletter is produced on the Mail Chimp platform, so make sure that you check your promotional files and/or white list if you sign up so that they don’t get buried in the abyss of holiday sale e-mails.
Otherwise, still plugging away over here on my sci-fi alien romance and am looking forward to an early 2022 release.
Love to all and happy Fall!
xo xo J
Summertime Madness
Hello all and welcome to June! Or…the beginning of summertime. Pools. Barbecues. Beaches. Vacations. Camp! And, this month, for the first time in nearly a year and a half here in NY we’re getting back to some semblance of normal. Or at least the new normal. Less mask wearing. More time with friends and family. Slowly easing back into life (hopefully) after COVID.
If you don’t already know, last month saw the release of my newest Incubus Rising endeavor, Book Seven in the Series, and the sequel to Monogamy is Dead, Gabriel’s Redemption. If you’re signed up for the mailing list, you already have access to the Bonus Epilogue which is really the most solid launching off point for Book Eight in the series, which will be Portia’s story but is, as of this writing, still untitled. Sometimes inspiration strikes hard and fast and other times…not so much. As of now Portia’s story is simply Number Eight in my mind and on my computer. While my initial intention was to go back to my sci-fi alien romance, Annihilation I was mid-writing when I wrote Gabriel’s tale of redemption, I’m finding that Portia’s story wants to come out, so I’m basically letting it flow and listening to my muse. Annihilation is a much bigger project and will require all of my attention when I get back to it so it helps the entire process if I just get Portia down on paper.
In the meantime, my real life is ramping up with so much goodness and love I can hardly stand it! I recently wrote and officiated my first wedding ceremony and it was the absolute epitome of front row /real life romance. I thoroughly enjoyed writing the script and delivering it to all the guests and was thrilled with the positive response. Of course, it was for a bride I know and love, but I think it was everything she and her new husband hoped for. I’ve also got a big move in my immediate family coming up, a 4th of July Party in the works, and some other really nice Back to Normal Life celebrations - baby showers, anniversary parties, and Christmas in July. I hope you all have lots of things to look forward to too.
In the meantime, thanks as always for your support and keep those reviews coming on Amazon and Goodreads. And, as always, feel free to reach out with any questions or comments. I’m here writing away…
Happy Summer!
xo xo J
HEA's for Everyone!
Nearly a decade ago, I began this wonderful self-publishing journey with the help of my tech savvy husband and a few of my best girl friends. We were all sitting around having a heated brunch discussion about Fifty Shades of Grey (like so many other people at the time) and the conversation pivoted to how my friends believed that I could write it better. Fueled by several mimosas and some seriously inflated self-esteem I went home and wrote down the bones of what would ultimately become Book One of my Incubus Rising Series, Monogamy is Dead. A little bit of insider trivia here, our hero Gabriel was initially supposed to be a vampire (thus the dead in the title) but I scratched that idea pretty quickly since the market was so thoroughly saturated with vampires due to the Twilight phenom and subsequent movies that went with. (Fifty Shades is Twilight fan-fic by the way, if you didn’t already know that). As a rabid fan of anything vampire related myself, I naturally gravitated to the sexy blood suckers as my first official hurrah but felt like the idea just wasn’t original enough. Thus the Atunis were born as my modern day sex gods incarnate, with Gabriel Falcone as both my original gangster and my eventual figurehead — and the rest is, as they say, history.
When I was writing Monogamy the market was exploding with bite sized fan fiction, keep-you-hooked cliffhangers, and a general serialized format of continuing short stories. And since I knew from the start that I wanted Monogamy to be part of a much larger series, I wrote it with the idea in mind that it was always going to be a short story, or a novella. Which was (and still is) an extremely difficult thing for me, since I tend to be rather long winded in my writing style and always have been. Once I get started it’s hard for me to stop, my characters leading me into the abyss of my (thankfully) deep imagination. It was a definite challenge for me to keep the story tight, lean, and above all else short because that was the trend back then.
Being my first real attempt at putting something out there for anyone to read that was outside of my tight knit circle of friends and family (or a teacher), there was also a lot of pressure in my mind to try to be fresh and original. Which is why Monogamy doesn’t have the expected neat and tidy happy ending. I wanted it to be surprising, thoughtful, and not just another paranormal romance where the hero wins at everything just because he’s so alpha, and clever, and (googly eyes/sigh) handsome. As far as I see it, the entire crux of the story is that Gabriel was literally killing Bianca every time they were together, and no matter how much they loved each other, I just couldn’t justify a way that could ever work out for them in the long term. Plus, I always thought that the subtext was rather clear about how we often times go after things (or people) that are obviously bad for us, even though we know in our heart of hearts that it’ll never end well. And while that concept may’ve been heartbreaking to everyone who wanted so badly for Gabriel and Bianca to end up together somehow, it was never in the cards for them. Monogamy was more about sacrifice and second chances, not to mention the hard lessons we learn from the heartbreaking chances we take in life.
But that was then and this is now. And times have definitely changed baby!
The past few years the serial format has dramatically fallen out of style, cliffhangers piss people off, and the mere idea that there isn’t a HEA on the final pages is a total deal breaker for most readers of the paranormal romance/romance genre. It’s gotten so prevalent in fact that authors have been writing cheat sheets right there in their blurbs (myself included) so as not to scare off any potential readers. HEA guaranteed! No cheating! No cliffhangers! Don’t go away! I PROMISE THIS IS THE ROMANCE YOU’RE LOOKING FOR! Which is sort of sad for a writer in a way, since the reader isn’t trusting the author to take them on any sort of journey or allowing them to challenge their concept of what happily ever after really means.
That being said, the release of the Incubus Rising Box Set several months ago, which has not one but two NOT happy endings (in both Monogamy and Page Turner, where Tessa’s ultimate fate is left up in the air) has gotten me some of the worst reviews I’ve ever gotten in my nearly ten year, self-publishing career and the reason is clear — I didn’t give the audience the endings that they wanted. My readers (and readers in general nowadays) demand the fairy tale romance happy ending, and the world being up in the air like it is, I’m obliged to give it to them. While I’ll never change what I write exclusively to make some invisible ideal happy, I don’t disagree that we all need an escape and all the good feels we can get right now. That’s why, nearly a decade later, my original sexy beast Gabriel is finally getting the HEA that he not only deserves but that hopefully makes everyone out there happy as well. As long as I have a brain and something to write with, there’s always a chance for redemption.
And who knows? Maybe in the year 2031 vampires will be back in (fingers crossed!) and scratch and sniff books that smell like men’s cologne and get delivered right to your doorstep will be all the rage! I really don’t care — as long as I get to keep writing, that’s my ultimate happily ever after right there.
Thanks, as always, for sticking with me.
Gabriel’s Redemption, coming very very soon…
Stay healthy,
xo xo Jenn
I Blame the Dog.
Sorry that I’ve been MIA for a bit, but unfortunately my family was hit with COVID hard in early January and were very sick. The virus swept through my husband’s office at the speed of light and it was all downhill from there for most of his staff and subsequently all of their close family members, me included. And since my husband is a vital part of my support team and also my first line editor, everything was at a total standstill in the publishing department.
I absolutely hate that I haven’t been able to be productive and move forward, especially since my intention was to have Gabriel’s Redemption (Book 7) out by Valentine’s Day. But I am super happy to report that we’re all relatively well again (STILL NO SMELL OR TASTE FOR ME! Boo! It’s just as terrible as it sounds.) and that we can finally say we’re on the upswing. In all honesty, I can’t wait to get back to writing regularly. It’s a need at this point, not just a want.
That being said Gabriel’s Redemption is done and is on the final editing block, which means it should be out relatively soon. In addition, I’m so grateful to all the people who’ve been mad read, read, reading my back catalogue and posting their reviews. Good or bad, I don’t really mind — I’m doing what I love and getting it out there. In that way, COVID has been pretty good to me, since so many people have much more down time to catch up on relaxing activities and escape into the fantasy world of their choosing. At this point, I’ll take any upside I can get.
Here’s hoping that you and your entire family are well and keeping your heads above water during these STILL crazy, unprecedented times. Thank you so much for sticking with me and I’ll be in touch soon.
xo xo J
Reality Check - 2020 Style
In true 2020 fashion, one day after I posted the previous blog about how excited I was to be able to get back to work, the dreaded call came in that my son had been exposed to someone with COVID19. Fast forward a week and his positive test came back and my entire family became stuck in a daunting cycle of contact tracing, isolation, and quarantine. As luck would have it, my son never got sick, however (as of this post) we still have a little under a week left on our family wide quarantine. We do daily checks with NYS (where I live) to report any symptoms with reminders that we are to stay away from the general populace to avoid any potential (asymptomatic) spread. To say it has turned our life upside-down is a total understatement, but I’m well aware that it could always be worse. We’re not sick, homeless, or struggling in any way right now that is a serious detriment to our livelihood. In short, we’re lucky.
So, while I haven’t been able to find any big chunks of time to be writing, I have been checking in with my alien universe as much as I can to keep things alive in my head. In the meantime, we’re ready to release the boxset of Books 1-3 in the Incubus Rising Series and you’ll be the first ones to know where it lands. Don’t forget to share, share, share the love!
On a very roundabout plus side, this entire pandemic has changed my perspective on life enough that it’ll absolutely be reflected in my writing. I truly believe that escapist fantasy is more important than ever and I’m so looking forward to getting back to providing you all with just the reality breaks you need!
As always, I hope you stay well and are living your best COVID-safe life.
(a socially distant) xo xo J
Back To Work!
Back to Work!
Read MoreTough Times
Hello my lovely readers. Hope everyone is doing well and that you’re all healthy, if not entirely happy about being stuck in quarantine STILL. Just wanted to drop a quick note to let you know that things are on hold over here on the writing front for me. With my son at home and my senior mom needing help when I can swing it, my writing was the first thing on the chopping block. Which breaks my heart, because writing is one of my favorite things to do and I miss it terribly. However, when this all went down, I was about 3/4 of the way done with my new Sci-fi Alien Romance Novel, Annihilation, and am hoping to get back to it very, very soon. That and a restaurant. Or a bar. Or being able to see my friends. Or hug my family. The list goes on and on.
In the meantime, all my other work is out there on Kindle and Kindle Unlimited and if you never had the time or energy to do a review for me on Amazon or Goodreads before… NOW IS YOUR CHANCE!!! Every review counts and is vital to keeping the dream alive.
My socially distant love to you all. Thank you for your support and understanding. Stay well!
xo xo J
We're All In This Together
Just wanted to reach out to my loyal readers and friends to say hello and to let you know that I’m thinking of you all. These are strange times that are new to all of us. But we’re strong and we will persevere if we stick together while standing six feet apart. In the meantime stay safe, stay well, and be mindful of how you can help lower the curve.
That being said, for all of you who have some unexpected down time, it’s a great time to catch up on reading. Reading is a great way to relax and escape. Books can transport you to so many exotic, far away places safely, cheaply, and without any cross contagion worry. Plus, there’s so much out there that’s totally free! Head on over to bookbub.com , shamelessbookclub.com , and, of course, the old standby amazon.com to stock up on freebies. I also saw in an article earlier today that something called the National Emergency Library is a great source of free books when you can’t use a public library. Hopefully you find some great things and then you can share what you loved with all of us!
I want to thank all my Goodreads friends for the stellar reviews that have happened over the past couple of weeks, especially after the free runs of Devil May Care and Finding Eden. I’m so grateful to be able to do what I love and to help people get through this stress filled time, no matter how small my contribution may be. Thanks again for taking the time to post reviews and keep on reading!
Hope you have the best weekend you can!
xo J
Marching Along!
Hello there all my amazing readers. Just a quick update on what’s going on over here in writer land. Still working on my next book, a sci-fi alien romance that was tentatively called Annihilation, which I believe I’m now changing to Annihilation’s Song based on how things are shaping up with the storyline. See what happens? The work morphs on its own and insists on keeping me on my toes. As I’ve said before, this is a huge endeavor for me because not only am I creating a full-length romance novel, I’m also discovering a whole new planet, species, and language as well. Which is loads of fun but also very time consuming and arduous, so stick with me and I hope to produce something that was well worth waiting for.
In the meantime, in honor of Women’s History Month I’ll be putting a couple of my favorite heroines on sale so that you can introduce them to all your friends. As of now the plan is to have Devil May Care, an oldie but a goodie, starring my favorite badass assassin Raine Lockhart on sale around March 11th and my sweet revelation Eden Shane from Finding Eden on sale around March 18th. Because women are remarkable, complex, wonderful creatures that run the gamut of personalities, I thought this was a nice little sampler platter of precisely that.
I’ll post again when the sale happens so you can share, share, share the wealth!
As always, thank you for your continued support and keep on reading.
xo J
Featured Author of the Day (with Spunk)!
Good morning readers. I’m the Featured Author of the Day over at Manybooks.net Head on over to read the entire interview!
Holiday Sale!
Hey there readers! Happy December. Starting today (Cyber Monday) and for the next few days in December my entire catalogue is FREE or on deep discount (Finding Eden) over at Amazon.com. Why not head on over and pick up some free copies for the steamy romance lover on your Christmas List today? Reviews wanted! Happy ho ho holidays to you all.
There Are No Bad Reviews. Unless...
There are no bad reviews. Unless…
Read MoreShamelessly Begging for Reviews
In a shameless attempt to get more reviews on…well… basically everything in my catalogue, we’re sticking with Amazon for a little bit longer with FREE DEALS practically every day in the month of July. Head on over to Amazon to stock up on all my work and feel free to share with your friends. And please, please, please, please, please if you’ve written a review in the past, please check that its actually posted since there seems to be an ongoing problem with reviews actually making it on to the page. Goodreads, Amazon, Nook, Smashwords… All of them!
In the meantime, I’m still plugging away at my new Sci-fy Alien Romance over here. Tap, tap, tapping away in space.
As always, thanks for the support and for keeping the dream alive!
Happy Summer Reading. xo xo J
What's In The Works - March 2019
Here’s an update about what’s in the works over here in Authorland.
Coming out this month, March 2019, is Number Six in the Incubus Rising series, Taking Chances. Taking Chances picks up where Wild Thing (#5) left off, in the midst of the relatively new characters who are a part of the Hotel Danu universe. While the tale follows party planner Angie Stone and her foray into the supernatural dark side, it also has tons of cameos from some of my favorite series regulars as well including Rafe Falcone, Deacon Blaine, Wlla Thorne, with a little dash of rockstar Dante James thrown in for good measure. It also drops some major hints about where the entire series will go in the future, with juicy bits thrown in all over the place. I guess you’ll just have to read it and see if you can pick out all the gems and hidden Easter Eggs in there!
Which leads me to what I’m working on now. Number Seven in the Incubus Rising series will be Two Much, the continuation of Cassadee, Rafe, and Gianni’s unconventional love story. Full disclosure, I’ve been working on this book for a long time and have yet to come to a satisfying conclusion that I feel happy with. It sometimes happens when you’re invested in the characters so much and I’ve learned to leave it alone and go back to the work when I hit a roadblock like this. Inspiration will hit. I just need to give it time. The story wants to tell itself eventually and these people are my babies so I try not to push it too much or to rush things. However, rest assured that Cassadee will be getting her follow up and HOPEFULLY a very happy double sized ending that will be satisfying for everyone.
In addition to the above, I’m also in the process of writing a new Sci-fi Alien Romance that just needed to come out of me. It’s tentatively titled Annihilation and is part of a series I plan on calling the Seven Souls. I’m only about quarter in, but boy of boy, am I enjoying writing about my badass alpha alien and his unexpected human obsession. I hope you’ll stay tuned for that.
In the meantime, I’ll say what every single author out there is saying these days — reviews are what keeps our work alive. The more reviews the more attention the work gets. So, if you haven’t already done so, please, please, please take a minute to post a review on one of the sights and make sure that it actually makes it there. And tell your friends to do the same. Good, bad, or indifferent reviews are a necessary part of keeping the dream alive.
As always, thanks for the support and hope to talk to you soon!
xo J
Limited Time Amazon Exclusive
For a limited time, beginning today, all of my works will be available exclusively on Amazon.com, including Kindle and Kindle Unlimited. Why not head on over there today and pick up a copy of my latest Contemporary Romance, Finding Eden!? Or, just to catch up on my back catalogue while you have the chance. Tell a friend!
As always, thanks for the support.
xo Jenn