
Happy Holiday Update!

Can’t believe it’s been so long since I’ve posted here, but if you don’t already know I’ve been hanging out a lot over on Tik Tok at @therealjennmanciniauthor and still have my Facebook Author Page going strong.

And I will admit that I’ve definitely slowed down when it comes to producing new work, but I promise that I’m doing my best to get back on track. I know that everyone can understand when life gets in the way of creative progress and boy have I had a few giant speed bumps over here. Without bringing you down too much, my son is a member of the Farmingdale High School Marching Band that was involved with that tragic bus accident that happened in September (September 21st 2023 to be exact - that Earth Wind and Fire Song will NEVER inspire the same good vibes ever again). And while we were very lucky and our son was physically unharmed, it’s been a difficult few months of grieving and processing for the entire community. My only real excuse is that I didn’t want to sit down and write something too dark or gloomy when that wasn’t my intention or inadvertently harm the integrity of the work I’d already done. With writing you have to go where your heart takes you and my heart was a little busted and bent. But, enough said about that. Let’s move right along…

I was mid-work on the sequel to Annihilation’s Song when I was temporarily sidelined and am excited to delve back into my alien romance universe. As a little holiday treat, Annihilation’s Song will be free over at Amazon from December 23 - December 27, 2023, so if you haven’t read it or want to gift it to a friend, hop on over there and snag your copy.

As always, thanks for being a fan and for your support. You are very much appreciated and loved. Happy Holidays to all and the happiest, healthiest 2024 to you and yours.

xo xo Jenn

Fall Updates & Rando News

Hello all my lovely readers. Just a quick note to keep you in the know.

My newsletter is up and running and has been for several months now for subscribers. If you haven’t already subscribed, all you need to do is pop on over to the Sign Up tab here on and you’ll be on the list. If you’re worried about being inundated with spam, my plan is to send the newsletter out seasonally or if I have something big going on/coming out only. However, being signed up does get you access to some pretty sweet bonus content and things that aren’t readily out there for public consumption. So far there’s been links to a Bonus Epilogue for Gabriel’s Redemption and an unedited sneak peek at my next novel Annihilation’s Song so I’d encourage you to get on the list if you haven’t already done so.

As of now the newsletter is produced on the Mail Chimp platform, so make sure that you check your promotional files and/or white list if you sign up so that they don’t get buried in the abyss of holiday sale e-mails.

Otherwise, still plugging away over here on my sci-fi alien romance and am looking forward to an early 2022 release.

Love to all and happy Fall!

xo xo J

I Blame the Dog.

Sorry that I’ve been MIA for a bit, but unfortunately my family was hit with COVID hard in early January and were very sick. The virus swept through my husband’s office at the speed of light and it was all downhill from there for most of his staff and subsequently all of their close family members, me included. And since my husband is a vital part of my support team and also my first line editor, everything was at a total standstill in the publishing department.

I absolutely hate that I haven’t been able to be productive and move forward, especially since my intention was to have Gabriel’s Redemption (Book 7) out by Valentine’s Day. But I am super happy to report that we’re all relatively well again (STILL NO SMELL OR TASTE FOR ME! Boo! It’s just as terrible as it sounds.) and that we can finally say we’re on the upswing. In all honesty, I can’t wait to get back to writing regularly. It’s a need at this point, not just a want.

That being said Gabriel’s Redemption is done and is on the final editing block, which means it should be out relatively soon. In addition, I’m so grateful to all the people who’ve been mad read, read, reading my back catalogue and posting their reviews. Good or bad, I don’t really mind — I’m doing what I love and getting it out there. In that way, COVID has been pretty good to me, since so many people have much more down time to catch up on relaxing activities and escape into the fantasy world of their choosing. At this point, I’ll take any upside I can get.

Here’s hoping that you and your entire family are well and keeping your heads above water during these STILL crazy, unprecedented times. Thank you so much for sticking with me and I’ll be in touch soon.

xo xo J


Reality Check - 2020 Style

In true 2020 fashion, one day after I posted the previous blog about how excited I was to be able to get back to work, the dreaded call came in that my son had been exposed to someone with COVID19. Fast forward a week and his positive test came back and my entire family became stuck in a daunting cycle of contact tracing, isolation, and quarantine. As luck would have it, my son never got sick, however (as of this post) we still have a little under a week left on our family wide quarantine. We do daily checks with NYS (where I live) to report any symptoms with reminders that we are to stay away from the general populace to avoid any potential (asymptomatic) spread. To say it has turned our life upside-down is a total understatement, but I’m well aware that it could always be worse. We’re not sick, homeless, or struggling in any way right now that is a serious detriment to our livelihood. In short, we’re lucky.

So, while I haven’t been able to find any big chunks of time to be writing, I have been checking in with my alien universe as much as I can to keep things alive in my head. In the meantime, we’re ready to release the boxset of Books 1-3 in the Incubus Rising Series and you’ll be the first ones to know where it lands. Don’t forget to share, share, share the love!

On a very roundabout plus side, this entire pandemic has changed my perspective on life enough that it’ll absolutely be reflected in my writing. I truly believe that escapist fantasy is more important than ever and I’m so looking forward to getting back to providing you all with just the reality breaks you need!

As always, I hope you stay well and are living your best COVID-safe life.

(a socially distant) xo xo J

The Best Laid Plans…

The Best Laid Plans…