And the Winner is...

Our on-line Facebook contest on what teaser should be included in my next Novella, Page Turner (Part 2 of the Incubus Rising Series)​ was a landslide for Devil May Care (Kick Ass Assassin, Gods and Monsters). Vampires are so yesterday. Don't despair however, I still love me a good alpha vamp and have plenty of stories in reserve there! As far as I'm concerned from Bram Stoker to Anne Rice to Stephanie Meyer, vampires will literally never, ever die! 

Hoping to have Page Turner smashed up by this weekend and available on-line! My husband/business manager/tech guy/all purpose dogs body/awesomesauce dude/editor has an actual JOB that can really interfere with my pseudo-career as a writer. What a drag!   ​

​Anywho, have a glorious weekend my friends and try to pick up a good book in any event. I just got a sample of The Teleportation Accident, by Ned Beauman myself. I hear it's nerdarific and can't wait to dive in! I'll let you know...