For the Soul

My son graduated from Kindergarten last week, launching us full steam ahead into summer. The last two weeks have been filled with concerts, graduations, field trips and various end of year parties. It's been a great time for my little fam and a nice change of pace from the mundane nine to three shuffle. However I find my Muse growing...impatient. I haven't written a word or accomplished a writing task in nearly a week, and it's making me slightly schizophrenic.

The truth is, it's gotten to the point in my life that I need to write. I need it like air or water or even food. Coffee! Wine! Sex! As much as I love them all, they pale in comparison to the cathartic loveliness of stringing together some words to create. It's so loud in my head right now I can barely rest. (Although I practically pass out the moment I hit the pillow at night after trying to keep up with a healthy, active six year old!) My sleep is plagued with stories longing to be told or characters fighting for attention, like teenage children or needy friends, all clamoring for a moment of my undivided time! And I miss them! God help me, I miss these pure imaginings of my subconscious, wondering all the while how Cage and Tessa are getting on, if Max is missing Eden, or if Gabriel has managed to recover fully from the sting of Bianca's rejection. I miss my beautiful creatures with all my heart and all my soul, and I long to get back to them... 

Most of you already know what I mean. A musician needs to play, an artist needs to create, a designer needs to make something beautiful.  It's all the same. The creative soul simply needs. All the time. Consistently. Right now, mine misses words. What's your soul craving these days? Do tell...